
Discover calculators built in Rows

Snapchat Ad Cost Calculator

Calculate the number of Swipe ups, conversions and cost-per-conversion for Snapchat Ad campaigns.


Google AdSense Calculator

Determine the expected daily revenue from Google AdSense given the expected impressions, CTR and CPC.


TikTok Engagement Rate Calculator

Calculate the engagement rate of a TikTok account using likes, comments and shares to a set of posts, and the number of followers.


Facebook Engagement Rate Calculator

Calculate the engagement rate of a Facebook account using likes, comments and shares to a set of posts, and the number of followers.


Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator

Calculate the engagement rate of an Instagram account using likes and comments to a set of posts, and the number of followers.


Payback Period Calculator

Determine the time you need to recover an initial investment.


Referral Marketing ROI Calculator

Measure the Return on Investment (ROI) of a referral marketing campaign based on the campaign costs, rewards, and expected conversion rate.


Influencer Marketing ROI Calculator

Measure the Return on Investment (ROI) of an influencer marketing campaign based on the campaign costs, reach, and conversion rates.


Twitter Engagement Rate Calculator

Calculate the engagement rate of a Twitter account using reactions, quotes, and replies to a set of tweets, and the number of followers.


Tiktok Ad Cost Calculator

Calculate the number of website visitors, conversions and cost-per-conversion for Tiktok Ad campaigns.


Return On Ad Spend Calculator

Calculate the return of a marketing campaign or advertisement.


E-Commerce Paid Ads Campaign Calculator

Calculate the cost and ad impressions needed to reach a sales target from an advertising campaign in e-commerce.


Youtube Ad Cost Calculator

Calculate the number of website visitors, conversions and cost-per-conversion for YouTube Ad campaigns.


Virality (k-factor) Calculator

Quickly calculate one product's Viral Coefficient (k-factor) based on your current user base, invite and conversion rates.


PPC Advertising ROI Calculator

Calculate the return on investment from pay per click advertising campaign based on the number of clicks, cpc, conversion rate and avg. order value.


Email Marketing ROI Calculator

Calculate the return on investment from an email marketing campaign based on the audience, campaign cost, conversion rate and average order value.


LLMs API price calculator

Estimate your costs based on your usage of APIs from OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, Meta, and Groq.


OpenAI API Price calculator

Estimate your costs with based on your usage of OpenAI GPT-3, GPT-4 and other APIs.


Conversion Rate Calculator

Calculate the conversion rate and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and online activities


Average Order Value Calculator

Calculate the Average Order Value (AOV) to know the average amount spent by customers per transaction.


DAU/MAU Calculator

Calculate the DAU/MAU (Daily Active users/Monthly active users) for your product.


Annual Contract Value Calculator

Calculate the Annual Contract Value (ACV) generated from your customers based on the revenue, one-time fees and contract duration.


Bond Pricing Calculator

Compute the price of a Bond given its coupon, face value, and maturity, and the market discount rate.


Break-even Calculator

Determine the number of units (or the amount of sales) that an organization needs to make for cost to equal income.


Post-money Valuation Calculator

Determine the post-money valuation of a company and the investor share (%) given the investment amount and pre-money valuation.


FTE Calculator

Determine the full-time equivalent (FTE) given the number of full-time and part-time people working in your team.


DSO Calculator

Determine the Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) of your business, using account receivables, total sales and accounting days.


Perpetuity Calculator

Determine the net present value of a never-ending stream of payments, given its amount, growth rate, and discount rate.


Confidence Interval Calculator

Calculate the Confidence Interval for the mean of a population using the sample size, mean, and standard deviation.


A/B Testing Significance Calculator

Calculate the statistical significance of your A/B testing experiment.


Test Grade Calculator

Calculate the grade of a test from the number of right and wrong questions answered.


Salary to Hourly Wage Calculator

Calculate the hourly wage based on the annual salary and weekly working hours.


Gross Margin calculator

Calculate the gross margin, markup and gross profit from the cost and revenue of a good sold.


Video Script Time Calculator

Quickly calculate the approximate length of a video based on its script and speaking rate.


SaaS Bessemer Efficiency Score Calculator

Quickly calculate the Bessemer Efficiency Score, comparing one company's Net Annual Recurring Revenue with its Net Burn.


Retention Rate Calculator

Quickly calculate the retention rate of your user base for a give period.


NPS Calculator

Quickly calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of your product, using aggregated reviews.


SaaS Rule of 40 Calculator

Quickly calculate the Rule of 40 for your SaaS company, using its ARR Growth Rate and EBITDA Margin.


Revenue CMGR Calculator

Calculate the Compounded Monthly Growth Rate for your business' revenue, between two given months.


Investment Round Calculator

Quickly calculate the impact of your next funding round on your current cap table.


Cap Table Calculator

Quickly calculate the percentage of ownership and valuation for all the shareholders in your Cap Table.


Convertible Note Calculator

Quickly calculate the impact of issuing a Convertible Note with cap, discount and interest on your cap table.


Basis Point Calculator

Calculate the number of basis points based one number input.


Pixels Per Inch Calculator

Calculate the pixel density of a digital device based on its screen size and number of pixels.


Sales tax Calculator

Calculate the amount of sales tax and gross price for a particular purchase based on the sales tax and gross price.


Log Calculator

Calculate the logarithm of a given number based on an input value and base.


LTV/CAC Calculator

Quickly calculate the value of a customer over the course of their lifetime for a SaaS company based on the core components of revenue and sales&marketing costs.


SaaS Magic Number Calculator

Quickly calculate the Magic Number for your SaaS business, using its Revenue Growth and sales&marketing spending.


SaaS Quick Ratio Calculator

Calculate the Quick Ratio of your SaaS, using the MRR Growth and Loss of your business.


Aspect Ratio Calculator

Quickly calculate the aspect ratio of an image after resizing. Completed with a list of most common resolution of phones, screens and posts for social media.


Running Pace Calculator

Quickly measure the speed of a run in mins per mile or km using this calculator.


Percentage Increase Calculator

The Percentage Increase Calculator finds the increase from one value to another in terms of a percentage.
