Years Between Dates Calculator

Calculate the time difference in years between two dates.

How to Use the Years Between Two Dates Calculator

This calculator helps you compute the time difference in years between two dates. All you need to do is:

  1. Input the Start Date: Select or enter the beginning date of your duration.

  2. Input the End Date: Select or enter the ending date for your calculation.

The calculator handles partial years by breaking down the time difference into years, weeks, and days, ensuring that all parts of the time span are accounted for.

Breaking Down a Year Time

One year is fundamentally defined as the period it takes for the Earth to complete one full orbit around the Sun. However, this natural phenomenon doesn't align perfectly with our calendar system, leading to some interesting complications.

A solar year, also known as a tropical year, is approximately 365.24219 days long. To keep our calendar aligned with the seasons, we use the concept of leap years. Here's how it works:

  1. Most years have 365 days.

  2. Every 4 years, we add an extra day (February 29th), making it a leap year with 366 days.

  3. However, years divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they're also divisible by 400.

This system keeps our calendar remarkably accurate, with only a small discrepancy accumulating over centuries. For even more precise timekeeping, leap seconds are occasionally added to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to account for the slowing of the Earth's rotation.

An average year has:

  • 12 months

  • 52 weeks

  • 365 days (366 in a leap year)

  • 8,760 hours (8,784 in a leap year)

  • 525,600 minutes (527,040 in a leap year)

  • 31,536,000 seconds (31,622,400 in a leap year)

Why Use Our Years Between Dates Calculator?

This tool is perfect for a variety of business and personal applications. Here's how it can help you:

  • Human Resources: Track employee tenure and work anniversaries with precision.

  • Project Management: Plan and forecast for long-term projects spanning multiple years.

  • Financial Planning: Calculate investment durations, loan terms, and retirement planning timelines.

  • Legal and Contractual Matters: Determine exact durations for leases, warranties, and other time-sensitive agreements.

  • Personal Use: Calculate ages, anniversaries, or time since significant life events.

Other time duration calculators

Time duration calculator

Days between calculator

Months between dates calculator


How does the calculator handle partial years?

The calculator handles partial years by breaking down the time difference into full years, weeks, and days. It first calculates the complete years between the two dates, then determines any remaining time in full weeks, and finally accounts for any leftover days. This approach ensures that even if a full year isn't completed, the time difference is accurately expressed in terms of weeks and days, giving a precise breakdown of the entire duration.

Can I use this calculator for historical dates?

Yes, our calculator can handle historical dates as well as future dates. Whether you're calculating years between ancient historical events or planning for future milestones, our tool can accommodate a wide range of dates.

What's the difference between calculating years and calculating age?

While similar, calculating years between dates and calculating age can be slightly different. Age calculations typically round down to the nearest whole year, while our calculator provides the exact number of complete years between two dates. For precise age calculations, you may need to adjust the result based on the specific birthday and current date.

How to get years between two dates in Spreadsheets?

In Rows, Excel or Google Sheets, you can use the DATEDIF function to calculate years between two dates. The formula is:

=DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, "Y")

Replace start_date and end_date with the respective cell references containing your dates.

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