Percentile Calculator

This calculator quickly determines the value below which a specified percentage of your data falls, known as the percentile.

What are Percentiles?

Percentiles are statistical measures that indicate the relative position of a value within a dataset. For example, if a score is at the 80th percentile, it means that 80% of the data points in the dataset are equal to or less than that score.

Percentiles are commonly used in business, education, and healthcare to analyze data distribution, compare performances, and identify trends, making them crucial for data-driven decision-making, benchmarking performance, assessing risk, and optimizing strategies based on statistical insights.

How to Calculate Percentile

Calculating percentiles involves identifying the value below which a certain percentage of your data falls. The percentile rank (PR) indicates the percentage of data points that are lower than a given value. The percentile itself represents the value that is at or above a specific percentage of the data set.

Percentile Rank Formula

The percentile rank (PR) is calculated using the following formula:

PR = ((Rank - 1)/ ( Sample Size -1))x100


  • PR (Percentile Rank): The percentage of values in the dataset that are lower than the given value.

  • Rank: The position of the value in the ordered dataset.

  • Sample Size: The total number of values in the dataset.

Percentile Formula

Rank = (PR x (Sample Size -1)/100) + 1


  • Rank: The position in the dataset corresponding to the specified percentile.

  • PR (Percentile Rank): The desired percentile (e.g., 95 for the 95th percentile).

  • Sample Size: The total number of values in the dataset.

When the rank is not an integer, the percentile is calculated by interpolating between the two nearest ranks.


Let’s calculate the 75th percentile of the following data set: 15, 4, 13, 2, 3, 4, 18, 5, 6, 7.

  • Sort the Numbers in Ascending Order:

    • 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 18

  • Calculate the Index of the Percentile:

    • Rank = (75*(10 - 1))/100 + 1 = 7.75

  • Interpolate if Necessary:

    • Since 7.75 is not an integer, the 75th percentile lies between the 7th number (7) and the 8th number (13). Interpolate to find the exact percentile:

      Percentile = 7 + 0.75 * (13-7)= 7 + 0.75 * 6 = 7 + 4.5 =11.5

Thus, the 75th percentile for this data set is 11.5.

Calculating percentiles manually can become a hard task and prone to errors, especially with large datasets. This is where our percentile calculator becomes invaluable, simplifying the process with just a few clicks.

How to Use the Percentile Calculator

In order to use this calculator you need to:

  1. Input comma-separated data:

    Enter your data set in the calculator, ensuring that each value is separated by a comma.

  2. Input pth: Specify the percentile you want to calculate.

  3. The Pth Percentile is: The tool will automatically calculate and display the result for you.


How to calculate in Excel or Google Sheets?

To calculate percentiles in Excel or Google Sheets, you can use the PERCENTILE.EXC or PERCENTILE.INC functions. Simply input your data range and the desired percentile, and the function will return the corresponding value. For example:

  • In Excel:

    =PERCENTILE.EXC(A1:A100, 0.75)

    calculates the 75th percentile of the data range A1.

  • In Google Sheets: Use the same formula

    =PERCENTILE.EXC(A1:A100, 0.75)


  • A1:A100: This is the range of cells containing your data. The function will consider the values in these cells to calculate the percentile.

  • 0.75: This represents the 75th percentile. The decimal 0.75 indicates that you want to find the value below which 75% of the data falls.

What is the 95% percentile?

The 95th percentile is a value below which 95% of the data points in your dataset fall. It is often used in performance analysis and quality control to determine the threshold for outliers. For example, in network performance, the 95th percentile can indicate the highest level of acceptable delay or latency.

What is the percentile of 75%?

The 75th percentile, also known as the third quartile, is the value below which 75% of the data points fall. It is a critical metric in descriptive statistics, often used to understand the distribution of a dataset and to identify upper boundaries for the middle 50% of data.

What is the 70% percentile?

The 70th percentile represents the value below which 70% of the data points in a dataset are found. It is often used in standardized testing and business analytics to compare individual performance against a larger group.

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