Hello Rows 3.0 👋
Introducing Rows 3.0. You've never seen a spreadsheet do this.
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Confluence charts
For Teams
How to add charts to Confluence pages
Learn how to add Charts to Confluence pages using Rows, Google Sheets, the Chart Macro from Confluence or Stiltsoft.
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For Teams
How to import data from spreadsheets in Notion in 2024
Learn how to import and embed data from spreadsheets to Notion from Rows, Excel and Google Sheets in a few simple steps.
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For Teams
5 ways to create charts in Notion
Learn how to create Charts in Notion using Rows, Notioncharts, NoChart, NotionVIP and Data Jumbo.
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For Teams
How to sync data between Notion and a spreadsheet with the Notion API
Learn how to use the Notion API to create and integration and easily sync data between a Notion database and a spreadsheet in Rows.
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For Teams
How to add a calculator to your website in 4 steps
Easily add a spreadsheet calculator to your website or blog and creative interactive experiences without coding.
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For Teams
Make your Notion documents interactive with embeds
Add live data to your Notion documents and make them stand out, including Notion templates for marketing reports and weekly team sync notes.
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For Teams
Turning your website into a growth machine and tracking it with ease
In this article we’ll cover the main aspects of improving your website ranking and traffic. And also monitoring its performance.
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How to make your startup’s Twitter account stand out
Tips that work for us and a neat template to help you grow faster.
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Rows Team
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For Teams
How we use Rows to automate work with Twitter and Slack
Our team is not only building the spreadsheet with superpowers, we use it ourselves. Every day.
Rows Team
Rows Team