Breaking Down Data Barriers: Nonclinical PT’s Success with Rows
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Read how The Non-Clinical PT uses Rows to bring all their Marketing data together.

Henrique Cruz

Rows HQ
Hello Rows 3.0 👋
Introducing Rows 3.0. You've never seen a spreadsheet do this.

Henrique Cruz

Rows HQ
2024 W16 - What should we open-source next?
We Open-sourced our RowsX extension! What's next?

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows HQ
Hacking the /dataisbeautiful subreddit
How we got 15 million views on the /dataisbeautiful subreddit, and why that wasn't enough.

Henrique Cruz

Rows HQ
2024 W15 - USA
If we can get X in our home turf, we will get 100X in the US.

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows HQ
2024 W14 - Once upon a time (in the future)
“A Week in the Life of our Customer” - Pitching a story to shape the future of our spreadsheet.

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows HQ
2024 W13 - Feedback matrix
Our team feedback was split it into 4 levels (Business, Product, Process, Team) and 3 stages (Idea, Challenge, Celebration). Most is about Product!

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows HQ
2024 W12 - Point and Compose!
A prettier spreadsheet makes some components harder to build. WORTH IT.

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows HQ
2024 W11 - Our friend Google Sheets (sometimes!)
Integrating with a competitor.

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows HQ
2024 W10 - Hacking is alive and well
Dynamic conditional connected dropdowns, Clearing input cells, Sending emails, if you can dream it, spreadsheets can do it.

Humberto Ayres Pereira