Google Search Console

Keyword Clustering Report

Use data from Google Search Console to cluster the keywords you are ranking and measure topical performance.

100% spreadsheet
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Daily+ refresh
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About Keyword Clustering Report

This template simplifies the process of grouping your website's ranking keywords into topical clusters, allowing you to track and analyze aggregated performance effortlessly.

What is a keyword cluster?

A keyword cluster is a group of semantically related search terms that revolve around a central topic. By organizing keywords into clusters, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your website's topical relevance and optimize your content strategy accordingly.

How do you group keywords?

There are several approaches to implement keyword clustering effectively. Here are a few common methods:

  • Semantic similarity: Group keywords based on their meaning and context.
  • Search intent: Cluster keywords that share the same user intent (informational, transactional, navigational).
  • Topic-based: Organize keywords around broad themes or subjects.

One of the easiest ways to group queries is to check if a specific keyword is included in it. For example, 'king mattress' and 'queen mattress' would belong to the category 'mattress'.

How to automate keyword clustering with this template

Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Connect your Google Search Console (GSC) account
  2. Select your property and type
  3. In the setup table, input the number of days you want to run the analysis (last X days)
  4. Select the comparison period: previous or year-over-year
  5. Finally, select the primary keywords to generate the clusters

How to track your keywords clusters ranking performance

Once you've completed the setup, the template will automatically update with all data fetched from GSC. You'll have access to:

  • Charts showing trends for each cluster in the selected period
  • Tables displaying top performers by cluster
  • Tables displaying top movers by clusters (keywords that outperformed over the period)

The metrics monitored throughout the spreadheet are clicks, impressions, and position. These metrics provide valuable insights into your SEO performance:

  • Clicks and impressions help you understand the visibility and engagement of your keyword clusters. Clusters whose impressions are increasing over time represent an growth opportunity, while raising clicks proves that - for that specific cluster - your content is gaining visibility due to high relevancy.
  • Position changes indicate improvements or declines in your rankings: a declining position for a specific cluster might be a red flag on a specific group of pages

Comparing clusters allows you to identify which topics are performing well and which need more attention, ultimately shaping the direction of your SEO strategy.

The benefits of a keyword clustering strategy

Implementing a keyword clustering strategy offers numerous advantages:

  1. Improved content organization: Align your content creation efforts with topical relevance
  2. Enhanced user experience: Create comprehensive resources around specific topics
  3. Better search engine visibility: Demonstrate topical authority to search engines
  4. Efficient resource allocation: Focus on high-potential keyword clusters
  5. Competitive advantage: Identify gaps in your content strategy compared to competitors

By leveraging our Keyword Clustering Report template, you'll be equipped to make data-driven decisions and optimize your SEO strategy for maximum impact.

How it works

How it works

Get started

Click on 'Use template' and start using it right away. No forms, no signup. Your data first.

Connect your Google Search Console account

Once landed on the spreadsheet, follow the instructions to connect the required integration and pick your account.

Customize the template and schedule refresh

Once the integration has been connected, all tables will update automatically with your own data. Click on 'Edit Source' to change the retrieved data and automate the data refresh. You can then insert a chart or a pivot table, add a column or personalize formats, using all the regular functions and shortcuts that make spreadsheets great.

Embed tables and charts

Click on the option menu to embed tables and chart on your Notion, Confluence or any other iframe-ready documents.

Use Template

Questions and answers

Can I use Rows for free?

Yes, Rows comes with a Free plan that includes unlimited spreadsheets and templates, unlimited workspace members, up to 10 guests and up to 50 integration tasks per month. Discover more about our pricing plans.

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