Generate, enrich and qualify leads in one place
Access data on companies, places and people directly in your spreadsheet and without hours of manual work.Wave goodbye to data import, scraping, add-ons and other cumbersome steps.
Win more business with less work
Discover companies, and places from public databases like LinkedIn, Google Maps, and Hunter based on industry, size and location.
Find people's email addresses with business tools like Clearbit, Stripe, Zero Bounce, Predict Leads.
Update your CRM directly from the spreadsheet with built-in Salesforce and Hubspot integrations.
Data enrichment made easy
Automate your entire lead generation flow - set up the process of building and enriching lead lists in minutes.
Retrieve companies domains and technologies they use by a company name.
Get data about your subscriptions and invoices from Stripe; or retrieve other companies’ VAT numbers.
Bring your team on board
Move through data faster with real-time team collaboration.
Share your data-rich spreadsheets with just one click - you define the level of access.
Explore the spreadsheets built by our Community and easily duplicate the ones you like.
Kick-start your work with templates for any task
Explore all Templates→Place enriching tool using Google Maps
Find contact information, ratings, reviews, and more
Email enriching tool using FullContact
Enrich contacts' emails with FullContact data
Company enrich tool with LinkedIn
Get logo, specialties, size, sector, and more for any company.
Email address verification tool
Verify the status of email address and reduce your outreach bounce rate.
Company tech stack finder
Get any company's tech stack by domain with BuiltWith
Google Maps Address Geocoding
Find the geocodes (latitude and longitude) of any address or location. And viceversa.
Email address finder with Hunter
Find email addresses based on name & company
OpenAI automation
Ask OpenAI to perform a wide range of text operations, such as: text summarization, extraction, classification, sentiment analysis, rewriting and content generation.