Company Lookup

Looking for a free tool to find company information? Find logos, LinkedIn URLs, employee size, and address information starting from any company's domain.

What is a Company Lookup?

A Company Lookup is a lead enrichment tool that provides comprehensive information about a company based on its domain.

By inputting a company’s web domain, users can access a detailed summary of its business profile as pulled from LinkedIn, including the company logo, name, LinkedIn URL, size, sector, country, and address. This tool is invaluable for businesses seeking to quickly gather and verify essential corporate data.

How Does the Company Lookup Work?

Simply enter the company's web domain into the tool. The enricher then queries LinkedIn and other databases to fetch the most up-to-date information available. For instance, if you enter "," the tool will provide you with:

  • Logo: The logo of the company.

  • Name: The name of the business on LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn URL: Direct link to the company’s LinkedIn page.

  • Size: The number of employees.

  • Sector: Industry or sector the company operates within.

  • Country: Headquarters or operational base country.

  • Address: Business address.

The Company enrichers uses data available in the Rows' Company Finder integration. Besides a function to enrich a company domain, the integration feature a Company Search function that creates curated lists of companies based on a set of criteria - number of employees , location, and sector.

Why Use a Company Lookup?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, having quick access to accurate company information is crucial for making informed decisions. This tool facilitates market research, competitor analysis, and B2B relationship building by providing essential data in an efficient manner. It eliminates the need to manually browse and compile information, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

Practical use cases include:

  • Sales and Marketing: sales teams can use enriched data to tailor their pitches and know their prospects better before making contact.

  • Market Research: analysts can quickly gather data on numerous companies to assess market trends or industry performance.

  • Recruitment and HR: recruitment agencies can verify company details to help them understand the environment potential candidates might enter.

More than a Company Lookup

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