How to use OpenAI's ChatGPT in Rows

Learn how to use OpenAI inside the spreadsheet to automate tasks like summarization, classification, or translation.

OpenAI Template

There's a near-infinite amount of tasks you can solve using OpenAI. Use this template showcase to get started with +10 pre-built examples.

About Rows

Rows is the easiest way to import, transform, and share data in a spreadsheet. It combines a spreadsheet editor, +50 integrations with the tools you use every day, a powerful AI Analyst✨, and a sharing experience to instantly turn any spreadsheet into a web app, a form, or a dashboard.

Product image

Connect the OpenAI integration

To connect the integration, open a new spreadsheet, and select the OpenAI integration on the welcome side panel. Alternatively, you can search for the integration inside the Data actions panel.

Connect OpenAI

Inside the Data Actions panel, search for "Openai" and select one of the following actions.

openai actions

Finally, Connect the integration to get started.

The Free plan includes 20 free uses of the OpenAI integration. Users on the Plus or Pro plans have unlimited access to OpenAI and can use their API key to access any OpenAI model, including fined-tuned models. By default, the OpenAI integrations use the "gpt-4o" model.

Using the OpenAI functions

The OpenAI integration comes with fourteen proprietary functions that automate prompts to address specific types of tasks:

  • ASK_OPENAI: ask anything to OpenAI via the standard prompt
  • CLASSIFY_OPENAI: classify any text into user-defined categories
  • APPLY_TASK_OPENAI: apply a task to a text or data
  • FIND_FACT_OPENAI: find fact about a subject
  • EXTRACT_OPENAI: extract any concepts or portions from a text
  • SUMMARIZE_OPENAI: summarize a text employing a specific style
  • SENTIMENT_ANALYSIS_OPENAI: run sentiment analysis on a text
  • REWRITE_OPENAI: rewrite a text based on given instructions
  • AD_CONTENT_OPENAI: create ad content based on your product, tone of voice, and channel
  • META_DESCRIPTION_OPENAI: create meta descriptions based on a page title and specific keywords
  • PRODUCT_TITLE_OPENAI: create product titles from a product description
  • PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_OPENAI: create a product description based on a set of features
  • KEYWORDS_OPENAI: create keywords for your SEO/Ads campaigns
  • KEYWORDS_MISSPELLING_OPENAI: generate the most common misspelling of a keyword

You can use them via the Autocomplete in the editor,

generic autocomplete openai

or via the Actions wizard:

general openai editor

Examples of OPENAI in action

There are many things you can do with OpenAI in Rows:

  • Clean Up Data: Capitalize text, remove whitespaces, and unnecessary text, parse email domains, and more.
  • Text Classification: Tag emails, classify support tickets or product feedback.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Determine the overall sentiment of a piece of text, as well as identify specific opinions and emotions within the text. Useful for product reviews, feedback, or social media comments.
  • Extraction: Extract concepts or portions from a text.
  • Summarization: Condense news articles, messages, legal documents, research papers, and more, according to a specific style.
  • Content generation: Generate content for advertising purposes, such as keywords, headlines, subheadlines, or body copies.
  • Translation: Translation texts into other languages.
  • Find facts: answer facts about a specific subject.
  • Create Tables with data: Create tables with dummy or public data.
  • Find and Enrich data: Generate dummy data or public data points for things you already have on your spreadsheet, like countries and companies.

Let's go through each of them.

Extract details from addresses


Extract the Zip Code and State from an address.


1=EXTRACT_OPENAI("Zip code",A2)


Assumes that A2 contains the address to clean up.

extract address details

Extract feature requests from user feedback


Extract feature requests from a list of cohesive user feedback.


1=EXTRACT_OPENAI("feature request",A2)


Assumes that A2 contains the feedback to inspect.

extract feature request

Extract contact details from emails


Extract phone number from email.


1=EXTRACT_OPENAI("phone number",A2)


Assumes that A2 contains the email text.

extract phone number

Classify job titles by seniority


Classify a Job Title according to its seniority - e.g. C-Level, Junior, Senior


1=CLASSIFY_OPENAI(A2, "C-Level, Senior, Mid, Junior, Intern",false)


  • Add the job title to be classified as a first argument (here, cell A2)
  • Add all the categories you want to classify your titles into as a second argument
  • Set multi-tag as false to get a strict single-tag categorization
  • Leave the temperature blank (default 0) to have well-defined answers

classify job titles

Classify customer tickets by type


Classify a list of cohesive customer tickets by type, e.g. engineering, sales or billing


1=CLASSIFY_OPENAI(A2, "Engineering, billing, sales",false)


  • Add the customer tickets to be classified as a first argument (here, cell A2)
  • Add all the categories you want to classify your tickets into as a second argument
  • Set multi-tag as false to get a strict single-tag categorization
  • Leave the temperature blank (default 0) to have well-defined answers

classify customer tickets

Run sentiment analysis


Analyze comments from social media accounts and extract the sentiment from the text. While this can be performed through the CLASSIFY_OPENAI() function, through the right categories, we introduced the SENTIMENT_ANALYSIS_OPENAI to make the task easier to solve.




Add the comment to classify as a first argument (here, cell A2)

senitment analysis

Clean up company names


Clean up a list of company names by removing legal abbreviations.


1=APPLY_TASK_OPENAI("Remove legal entity abbreviations like GmbH, LLC, Inc., emojis, special characters and unnecessary text",A2)


Assumes that A2 contains the company name.

clean up company names

Convert date format


Convert dates to yyyy/mm/dd format.




Assumes that A2 contains the original dates.

Clean up dates

Translate product reviews from customers


Translate product reviews done by customers in third-party platforms - e.g. App Store, Trustpilot - to English.




  • The function assumes that A2 contains the product review text
  • Sets a temperature of 1, to help the engine recognize nuances and idiomatic expressions


Summarize product reviews from customers


Summarize the product review into two bullet points.


1=SUMMARIZE_OPENAI(A2,"two bullet points")


  • The function assumes that A2 contains the product review to be summarized
  • Add the style of the summary as the second parameter, e.g. "two bullet points", or "one-liner"

summarize product review

Summarize sales replies


Summarize sales replies from customers to immediately spot the highlights behind a deal negotiation.




  • The function assumes that A2 contains the email to be summarized
  • Add the style of the summary as the second parameter, e.g. "two bullet points", or "one-liner"

summarize sales replies

Rewrite a text


Rewrite a text to make it sound more native or change its style.


1=REWRITE_OPENAI(A2,"add emoji")


  • The function assumes that A2 contains the text to be rewritten
  • Add the instructions for the rewrite as the second parameter, e.g. "add emoji", or "speak like Shakespeare"

rewrite texts

Generate keywords

Goal: Generate keyword ideas based on a topic.



Details: Assumes that A2 contains the topic.


💡 Change the type parameter to 'Commercial' or 'Transactional' to generate keywords oriented to purchase.


Generate meta descriptions


Generate a meta description based on a page title and keywords.




  • The function assumes that A2 contains the page title
  • The function assumes that B2 contains the keywords

generate meta desc

Generate product titles


Generate a number of product titles based on a product description.




  • The function assumes that A2 contains the product description

generate product title

Generate product descriptions


Generate product descriptions based on a list of features.




  • The function assumes that A2 contains the list of features to be included in the description

generate product desc

Create a table with dummy names and email addresses


Create a table with 5 dummy names and email addresses to test a feature in QA. While this can be performed through a specific-enough prompt within the ASK_OPENAI() function, we introduced the CREATE_LIST_OPENAI to make the task easier to solve.


1=CREATE_LIST_OPENAI("Full names and email address",5,,500)

Use our Actions wizard to simply the table creation. Look for 'Create list' in our Actions menu, and fill all parameters as follows:

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 10.40.53

Once clicked on 'Next Step', the table will show up below:

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 10.41.09


  • 💡 Define a value for the max_token parameter - in this case, 500 - to allow enough tokens for the complete translation of the text.

Enrich a country with its emoji flag and population


Get the emoji of the flag and the number of inhabitants of a list of countries.


1=FIND_FACT_OPENAI("Emoji flag",A2)


Assumes that A2 contains the country name.

flag and population

Find the location of a company's HQ


Get the address of the headquarters of a list of companies.


1=FIND_FACT_OPENAI("The HQ address",A2,"number")


Assumes that A2 contains the name of the company.

HQ address


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