Filtering data with functions FILTER and FILTER_COLUMNS

Learn how to use the FILTER and FILTER_COLUMNS functions to build specific views on your data.

The filter button Filter buttont is great for filtering entire tables. But what if you want to filter only a subset of the table?

For example, maybe you want to filter the “price” column by a certain price range but only for rows where the product column contains “iPhone”.

In complex cases like this, it’s often better to use a formula to construct your filter query rather than relying on the user interface. That’s where the FILTER function comes in handy.

You can use the FILTER function to filter data in a normal table or in a {data} cell.

In this guide, we’ll show you:

  • the arguments for the FILTER function,
  • example FILTER use cases,
  • how you can use FILTER in combination with the FILTER_COLUMNS function.

Try it Yourself

If you'd like to experiment with the examples in this article, open the accompanying spreadsheet on the Community Page and click Duplicate to add a copy to your workspace.

Using the FILTER function

The easiest way to get started with the FILTER function is through the Function Wizard.

To use the FILTER function with the Function Wizard, follow these steps:

  1. Select a cell adjacent to a column or table that contains several rows of data.
    • Underneath this cell should be enough free space to insert copies of the formula.

  2. Click the Actions Actions button in the main toolbar.

  3. In the search box, search for "FILTER" and click the result.

  4. In the options panel, configure the options for the FILTER function.
DataDefine the data that you want to filter. This value could be:
  • A table range such as ‘Table1’!A1:F50
  • A reference to a single {data} cell such as A1
  • </ul>
    ConditionDefine the data that you want to filter on. This value could be:
    • A cell range within a table such as F1:F50 (single column)
    • A parameter in the raw data, such as [“year”]
      You can combine conditions with * (AND) and + (OR).
      For example: (A1:A5>5)*(A1:A5<10)
      If you get the error: “The condition should have a range or JSON data with the same height or width as data.”, make sure that the range has the same number of rows or columns as the range in the Data field. </li></ul>
      Set if Empty (optional)Define a custom message to display when there are no matching results.
      The argument allows you to add a more human-readable message when no match is available (instead of just showing a blank cell).
      • For example: "Nothing matches"
      Set ModeChange how the first row is treated.
      Possible values are 1 and 0:
      • 1 tells the function to always match the first row from the source range (because it’s usually the header).
      • 0 is default and it means “filter the first row just like any other row”.
      • </ul>

        Filtering Examples

        To get a better idea of how this function works, check out the following examples:

        Filter for specific values in a column

        Let’s say you’re analyzing some Google Analytics data and you notice some outliers that you don’t want to show up in your report. Here’s an example of a Google Analytics Table.

        Example of a Google Analytics Table

        Here we want to filter for web pages where the exit rate falls within a realistic range, such as between 10% and 75%. We also want to make it easy to change the range, so we can experiment with different ranges.

        It would be easier if we could put the minimum and maximum range in cells and have the filtered view update automatically whenever we change those cells.

        You could put these criteria in a dedicated “FilterCriteria” table, like this:

        FilterCriteria table

        That's what makes the FILTER function so useful. With the FILTER function, you can refer to other cells.

        To filter for Exit Rates in a specific range, using the values in our FilterCritera table, we could use the following FILTER formula:


        Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

        FILTER formula breakdown

        When you enter this function, you’ll get a {data} cell, rather than a filtered table.

        To see the resulting data in a table:

        • Use an OVERWRITE formula to generate a table from the {data} cell. For example, if you entered the FILTER formula in ‘A1’, you could enter the following in A2: =OVERWRITE(A1)

        • Create a Data Table from the {data} cell. Click the cell actions button Cell actions button to open the Cell Actions menu and select Create Data Table

        The resulting table should resemble the following example:

        Filtered report

        We now only have rows where the exit rate falls within the range that we specified in our "FilterCriteria" table.

        Filtering data in a {data} cell

        In our previous examples, we’ve been filtering data in a source table to create a second filtered version of that table.

        However, if you’re using integration functions to get external data, you don’t need a source table. You can filter the raw data in the {data} cell, and create a table from the filtered result—so one less table to worry about.

        Here’s an example:

        • Let’s say you’re using the SEARCH_COMPANIES function to get a list of Berlin-based venture capital firms with more than 50 employees.

        • Here’s how the formula would look: =SEARCH_COMPANIES(">50","Berlin","Venture Capital & Private Equity")

        • The result is returned in a {data} cell that looks like this:
          Companies cell

        If you view the data you’ll see that there are a number of interesting attributes to filter on—for example, the year that the VC was founded.

        View data count

        Let’s say we want to narrow this list down to VCs that were founded before 2016. In this case, we would enter the filter formula like so:


        • Note that the formula includes a FILTER_COLUMNSfunction. We’ll explain this function more in the final section.

        • For now, it’s enough to know that we’re using this function to indicate which parameter we want to filter on (in our raw data, parameters serve the same purpose as columns in a table—they store data that falls into a specific category such as years).

        Now we can go further, and put our filter criteria in a separate cell like last time. In the following example, we’ve put it, the FILTERformula in B3 and referenced the cell above it for the filter criteria (B2).

        Search companies

        Filtering columns by column name

        The FILTER_COLUMNS function gives you a way to isolate specific columns that you want to work with. For example, let’s say you’re working with Google Analytics report but you’re only interested in Bounce Rate.

        Your visitor report table might contain a lot of metrics like “visits”, “%New Visits”, and so on. However, you want to get a view that includes only the columns that you’re interested in.

        Highlighted columns

        You can create a simpler version of this table by filtering for just the relevant columns.

        Filter column breakdown

        To render the data as a table, you can then nest this formula one of the INSERT(), OVERWRITE(), or UPDATE() functions like this:
        =OVERWRITE(FILTER_COLUMNS('All Data'!A1:H100,'["Page","Bounce Rate"]'))

        Which produces a much cleaner looking table:

        Cleaner table

        By the way: if, for some reason, you’re annoyed by the table headers, you can omit them from the formula result.

        • To omit the table headers, add an optional FALSE argument to the filter formula, like this: =FILTER_COLUMNS('All Data'!A1:H100,'["Page","Bounce Rate"]',FALSE)

        Further Reading

        As useful as FILTER and FILTER_COLUMNS are, sometimes you need even more flexibility. Fortunately, there are more advanced methods for parsing and filtering the contents of {data} cells in particular.

        To learn more about these methods, check out the following articles: