Published at Sun Aug 04 2024 in
Rows HQ
2024 week 32 - Json to Table

Humberto Ayres Pereira, CEO and Co-Founder, Rows

This week we released another way of using spreadsheets to work with JSON data.
For JSON masters and JSON slaves (for regular people, JSON is a data format used by most web services, useful for pro engineers) We launched yet another feature in a Table that is powered by a plain json payload. 1. You copy-paste a json into a cell. 2. Then you click a button and BAM, we turn it into a Table. 3. No step 3! -> here's my 62s demo!
This new smarter method adds to the previous elements. Check this simple Template of a table converter.
Every week I post about one thing that happened at Rows. We're building in public!
See you next week!