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Published at Mon Jan 04 2021 in
Rows HQ

Bye 2020. Hi 2021!

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2020 was a terrific year for Rows. We hired 20 people and delivered 30 big features.

We have also onboarded >600 users, reaching a total >1000 people on our Private Beta. Many teams succeed with Rows spreadsheets.

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Like everyone else, we had to cope with covid, which made things a bit harder and a lot stranger. But everyone on our team delivered; A special thanks for their dedication.

And many thanks to all of Rows users, friends, and families. We love your company.

2020 achievements


We hired 20 great people in 2020: 10 Engineers, 3 Product Designers, 2 Product Managers, 1 Engineering Manager, 3 Business Managers and 1 Finance Manager.

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We rebranded from dashdash to Rows and got ourselves a proper home at You can read about the new brand and why & how we rebranded on this very blog.

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2020 was the year our product grew the most since we started building it in 2017.

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From January to December, we delivered:

  • Editor and Live Spreadsheet

    • Multi-tables! You can add up to 5 tables to the same page, for better organization and a slicker presentation. Multi-tables works in the Editor and in Live, shared spreadsheets!

    • New Form behavior for Tables: by default, Tables behave collaboratively (like on GSheets) and everyone sees everyone else’s actions. Now you can also select “Form Tables”, a first for spreadsheets everywhere; once selected, each user gets an independent copy of that Table. This is great for forms, and independent simulations.

    • Elastic grid. Our spreadsheet Tables expand and shrink as needed.

    • Filtering and Sorting.

    • Adding and Removing rows and columns.

    • Hyperlinks.

    • Accessing Integrations from a quick side panel in the Editor.

    • Feedback when loading data or executing long computations.

    • Live spreadsheets responsiveness: they display great on mobile devices!

    • Editing formulas across spreadsheets tables using our Point & Compose method (Mouse & Keyboard).

  • Computation system

    • A whole system refactor, making our platform much faster and more stable.

    • Multiple performance improvements of our computing system, especially for large operations.

    • Parallel executions for Integration tasks, which improved calculation speed up to 10x for some scenarios.

  • Dashboard & Account

    • Workspaces, including inviting other users to work with you!

    • New subscription plans. A generous free tier (up to 10 people, 1.000 free Integration tasks per month); and paid plans that make using data & APIs simpler and in many cases, cheaper too.

    • Product announcements alerts inside the platform.

    • Vanity URLs for your workspace (and soon your spreadsheets): you can now access your team at{your-company}/.

  • Functions and Integrations

    • Google Analytics

    • Rows Company Search: our very own Linkedin search for companies, and an industry-leading email and domain finder.

    • Linkedin Search

    • Instagram

    • Twitter

    • Facebook

    • Google Search Console

    • Google Sheets

    • Airtable

    • Salesforce

    • Facebook & Instagram Ads

    • Google Ads

    • Youtube

    • Xing Search

    • The SCHEDULE() function.

    • Merged INSERT(), UPDATE() and OVERWRITE() with their data counterparts (INSERT_DATA(), etc).

    • Made the {data} type of cells interchangeable with ranges. For example, you can now SUM(‘[1,2,3],[4,5,6]’).

    • A new integration platform that makes us faster (“The Integrator”).

  • Homepage

    • Two complete redesigns, including much improved Integration & Template galleries.

    • Our own, custom, gorgeous Knowledge Base.


During 2020 we extended our Private Beta from 400 to >1000 users. Many companies now use Rows to build more and better tools in many mission-critical processes.