2024 week 45 - Never Stop

Never stop We're now at 90% success rate in answering user questions with our AI Analyst. Ahead of schedule, as our goal was to get there only at end of December.

As you can see in the Chart, last week we had a big scare when success rate dipped to the lowest in a long time (40%). The problem was a release that answered more questions but somehow we broke the schema; we fixed, rebounded, and now are at our max for the last couple of days. In AI it really pays off to move fast. 🔥 Benefit for you the users: the harder the questions you ask us, the more pressure you will give us to answer those complex questions to keep our % closer to 100%. So go to Rows.com and give it your best. If it doesn't answer it, know that a bunch of happy nerds (inc nerd designers) are working hard to support it.