2024 week 40 - Fat Margins

Designers are the most unreasonable capitalists — they *love* fat margins! — original Rows joke
Rows is a platform focused on data. It's all about the Tables, Charts, and Pivots.
Lately we're working on simplifying the UX. We will highlight important new features like AI and Data, and make less relevant features (like some formats) less important. There is a lot of pruning involved.
We want Rows.com be the easiest way to work with data.
This challenge is much more than margins (though that helps) — We will actually end up re-wiring the whole interface.

Soon there will be an entirely new Rows. Faster and prettier. For now, here's some scaffolding.
Every week I post about one thing that happened at Rows. We're building in public!
See you next week!