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Published at Sun Jun 02 2024 in
Rows HQ

2024 W23 - Pivoting formatted values

Blog - AI slick release show

Every week I post about one thing that happened at Rows. We're building in public!


We have been upgrading our Pivot Tables for the couple of last weeks.

One of the coolest improvements we shipped is that the aggregations in Pivot Tables now work with Formatted Dates. This is something that does not work on the other spreadsheets Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.

What does it mean in practice? That you can pick a range of dates, format them as YYYY-MM, and the Pivot Table will aggregate the months. If you format them as YYYY-WWW (year-weeks) then it will aggregate the weeks. Etc. You can see it in the video below!

More: The reason why it works like this is that in spreadsheets, dates are stored as numbers, and so when old spreadsheets like Excel and Sheets aggregate columns of dates, they only really pay attention to the number. You can torture them to do what you want, but it's a lot more work. Rows aggregates based on what you the user sees!

This is a simple, but very useful feature for people trying our different aggregations!

Our job is to make the perfect spreadsheet. This is nice step in that direction!


See you next week!
