Import your Notion databases in Rows.
Facebook Ads
Get insights about your Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns
Get insights on your Business or Creator Instagram account
Bank Accounts
Access your US and European bank transactions and balance.
Google Analytics 4
Get analytics reports on your website.
LinkedIn Pages
Retrieve insights and metrics for Linkedin pages
Google Search Console
Monitor your website performance on Google Search
Facebook Pages
Get insights about Facebook pages and posts
Google Ads
Get key metrics from your Google Ads account.
LinkedIn Ads
Find insights about your Linkedin Ads.
Get insights on and reports of your TikTok account
Connect with custom APIs using HTTP requests.
AI Agent
Extract and analyze web content with AI in real-time.
Ask OpenAI's ChatGPT to clean up data or to classify text.
Bring the power of Python right into your spreadsheets
Google Sheets
Use Google Sheets to import and export cell data
TikTok Ads
Get insights on and reports of your TikTok Ads activity.
Company Finder
Find information about companies
Maps and Places
Find and get data about places and locations.
Alpha Vantage
Get realtime and historical stock, currency, financial data
Use Snowflake to import data from databases and views.
Send messages and manage your Slack