Using APPEND or JOIN functions to merge tables

Learn how to merge tables using APPEND and JOIN functions in Rows.

In Rows, you can merge data from two different tables using two distinct methods:

  1. APPEND Data – Adding one dataset below another.
  2. JOIN Data – Combining tables by matching columns.

This article explains how to use the APPEND and JOIN functions to merge data efficiently.

APPEND function

Stacking Tables

Use the APPEND function to add one dataset below another. This is useful when both tables have similar structures but may have columns in different orders.

Example: Combining Morning and Evening Orders

Scenario: You have two tables:

  • Morning Orders: Contains columns Name, Email, Order Date, Order ID.


  • Evening Orders: Contains the same columns but in a different order.



  1. Click on Data.
  2. Search for APPEND function
  3. Under Data1, select columns A:D from the Morning orders table
  4. Toggle Set more data(s) on and select columns A:D from the Evening orders table.
  5. Click Create Data Table.


A new table is created, stacking the second dataset below the first. The column order follows that of the first table.


JOIN function

Adding Columns Based on Matching Keys

Use the JOIN function to merge two tables based on a common column (key). This is useful when different tables contain complementary information.

Example: Merging Orders with Shipping Data

Scenario: You have two tables:

  • Orders Table: Contains Name, Email, Order ID, and Order Date.


  • Shipping Data: Contains Email ID (same as Email in Orders), Shipping Date and Shipping Id.



  1. Click on Data.
  2. Search for JOIN function
  3. Under Data1, select columns A:D from the Orders table
  4. Under Data2, select columns A:C from the Shipping table
  5. For Key1, Choose Email from Orders table.
  6. For Key2, Choose Email ID from Shipping table.
  7. Click Create Data Table.


A new table is created, combining all columns while keeping matching rows together based on the common email identifier.



  • Use APPEND when you need to stack data vertically.
  • Use JOIN when you need to merge related data horizontally.

With these functions, you can seamlessly merge datasets in Rows to streamline data analysis and reporting.


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