Take some time to learn these shortcuts and you'll quickly become a productivity master.
To access the Quick Commands interface, just press Cmd + K
(Mac) or Ctrl + K
Global Quick Commands
Global Quick Commands are available from anywhere within the Rows app. Currently, the following commands are available globally:
Command | Description |
My spreadsheets | Go to your spreadsheet dashboard. |
Templates Gallery | Go to the Templates gallery. |
Integrations Gallery | Go to the Integrations gallery. |
My integrations | Go to your integrations dashboard. |
My usage | Go to your Integration and Spreadsheet usage dashboard. |
Account Settings | Go to your Account settings page. |
Create spreadsheet | Create a new spreadsheet. |
Contextual Quick Commands: spreadsheets
In addition to the global Quick Commands, you also have access to the following contextual commands when editing a spreadsheet:
Command | Description |
General | |
Create View | Creates a new View. |
Create Group | Creates a new group. |
Toggle zen mode | Removes the View side panel so that you can focus on the spreadsheet. |
Function Helper | Opens the function helper side panel. |
Cell Formatting | |
Align left | Aligns the text to the left in the selected cells. |
Align center | Aligns the text to the center in the selected cells. |
Align right | Aligns the text to the right in the selected cells. |
Bold | Bolds content in the selected cells. |
Button | Creates a button in the selected cell. |
Checkbox | Creates a checkbox in the selected cell. |
Clear format | Clears all formatting for the selected cell. |
Italic | Italicizes content in the selected cells. |
Underline | Underlines content in the selected cells. |
Number Formatting | |
Decrease decimal places | Decreases the number of decimal places by one. 📝 Note: The last number will be rounded up or down. |
Increase decimal places | Increases the number of decimal places by one. |
Number | Formats the content in the cell as a number. |
Date | Formats the content in the cell as a date. |
Time | Formats the content in the cell as a time. |
Date time | Formats the content of the cell as a date time. |
Dollar | Adds the USD currency symbol. |
Bitcoin | Adds the Bitcoin currency symbol. |
Euro | Adds the Euro currency symbol. |
Pound | Adds the British Pound currency symbol |
Yen | Adds the Yen currency symbol |