Getting to know the spreadsheet editor

Create a simple empty spreadsheet and get to know the spreadsheet editor.

You might have already created your first spreadsheet in Rows when you first signed up, but it's worth going through the spreadsheet editor in a little more detail. The spreadsheet editor has many elements common to other spreadsheet applications, but also some unique features too.

The layout of a Rows spreadsheet

In other spreadsheet applications, a spreadsheet is organized into sheets. Typically you switch between sheets with tabs at the bottom.

In Rows, the equivalent of a sheet is a Table which is where you put your data. However, unlike other applications, you also group your Tables into Pages.

You can access these elements in the left-hand navigation section where you can switch between different Tables and Pages.


Pages help you lay out your spreadsheet when you're ready to insert it into a professional-looking report. You can learn more about the potential of Pages by putting a spreadsheet "live".

But first things first, let's take a closer look at...

The spreadsheet editor

Here’s a guide to the main features of the Rows editor and some references for further reading.

Overview of the spreadsheet editor

ItemUse To
The Navigation SectionNavigate your spreadsheet and create pages and tables.
Hover your mouse over a page or table title to access further actions that will allow you to create new page elements such as the Table, Form or Chart.
The Formula BarEnter and edit formulas in the currently selected cell, just like in other spreadsheet applications.
The Actions ToolbarPerform standard actions on the contents of tables.
  1. Undo or redo changes
  2. Access the Insert menu to insert elements such as charts or buttons
  3. Open the function wizard and get guidance on entering functions.
  4. Format the appearance of text, numbers, and cells.
  5. The Collaboration MenuShare your spreadsheet with others and invite them to collaborate:
    1. Invite others to collaborate on your spreadsheet and configure their permissions.
    2. Share the live version of your spreadsheet with a private link or publish it to the community repository where people can make a copy of it.
    3. Preview your spreadsheet in live mode.
    4. The Table ActionsPerform various actions on the entire table:
      1. Add filter controls to the first row so that you can filter and sort the data in the table cells.
      2. Change the table visibility so that it's hidden in “live” view.
      3. Rename the table or hide the gridlines.
      4. Now that you understand the spreadsheet editor, try creating a spreadsheet from a template.


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