List and get details about contacts in your HubSpot.

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Parameter List


The contact properties to get from HubSpot. For example, description or website.


The property to filter contacts in the results. For example, city or firstName.


Conditional to apply to filter. For example, EQ or BETWEEN. More info here.

Selected options:
Contains text
Doesn't contain text
Doesn't have the property
Equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Has property
Included in a list.
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
Not included in a list
[optional] value

The pattern or test to apply to the filter. For example, London or John.

[optional] property_filter2

The property to filter contacts in the results. For example, city or firstName.


SEARCH_CONTACTS_HUBSPOT("email", "firstname", "CONTAINS_TOKEN", "John") returns list of emails of a person called`John`.