Use Open AI’s GPT generate a product description from a set of features.

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Parameter List

product features

The set of features - in text or range of cells - you want to base your product description on. e.g. A2:C2

[optional] instructions

The instructions you want to use to generate the product description. Add a template or specify the tone of voice, e.g. Use this template:... or Use a inspirational tone of voice.

[optional] temperature

The sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Use 2 for creative applications, and 0 for well-defined answers. By default it is 0. For example: "0.4".

[optional] max_tokens

The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. For example: "230".

[optional] model

The model to use. By default it uses "gpt-4o" .For example: "ada" .

Selected options:


PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_OPENAI("Phone, 6-inch Oled display, bluetooth 4.0, stereo audio, USB-C connector") returns Introducing our latest phone, equipped with a stunning 6-inch OLED display that brings your content to life with vibrant colors and sharp details...