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Parameter List


Name or ID of your Google Ads account. For example: "Personal Ads account".

[optional] campaign

Name or ID of your campaign. For example: "Website Campaign".

[optional] date_range

The date range for your report. For example: ">2019", ">2019-11-01" or "[2010-01-01;2019-01-01]".

[optional] metrics

The metrics from your Campaign. For example: metrics.CTR or metrics.average_cost. By default, it returns the most common metrics about the Campaign.

Selected options:
Absolute top impression percentage
Active view CPM
Active view CTR
Active view impressions
Active view measurability
Active view measurable cost
Active view measurable impressions
Active view viewability
All conversions
All conversions by conversion date
All conversions from click to call
All conversions from directions
All conversions from interactions rate
All conversions from menu
All conversions from order
All conversions from other engagement
All conversions from store visit
All conversions from store website
All conversions value
All conversions value by conversion date
All new customer lifetime value
Auction insight outranking share
Auction insight overlap rate
Auction insight position above rate
Auction insight search share
Auction insight top impression %
Average cart size
Average cost
Average CPC
Average CPE
Average CPM
Average CPV
Average impression frequency per user
Average order value
Average page views
Average target cpa
Average target roas
Average time on site
Bounce rate
Content budget lost impression share
Content impression share
Content rank lost impression share
Conversions by conversion date
Conversions from interactions rate
Conversions value
Conversions value by conversion date
Conversion value per cost
Conversion value per cost
Cost of goods sold
Cost per all conversions
Cost per conversion
Cost per current model attributed conversion
Cross device conversions
Cross device conversion value
Cross sell cost of goods sold
Cross sell gross profit
Cross sell revenue
Cross sell units sold
Current model attributed conversions
Current model attributed conversions from interactions rate
Current model attributed conversions from interactions value per interaction
Current model attributed conversions value
Current model attributed conversions value per cost
Engagement rate
Gmail forwards
Gmail saves
Gmail secondary clicks
Gross profit
Gross profit margin
Historical creative quality score
Historical landing page quality score
Historical quality score
Historical search predicted ctr
Interaction event types
Interaction rate
Invalid click rate
Invalid clicks
Lead cost of goods sold
Lead gross profit
Lead revenue
Lead units sold
New customer lifetime value
Percent new visitors
Phone calls
Phone impressions
Phone through rate
Publisher organic clicks
Publisher purchased clicks
Publisher unknown clicks
Relative CTR
Search absolute top impression share
Search budget lost absolute top impression share
Search budget lost impression share
Search budget lost top impression share
Search click share
Search exact match impression share
Search impression share
Search rank lost absolute top impression share
Search rank lost impression share
Search rank lost top impression share
Search top impression share
Sk ad network installs
Sk ad network total conversions
Top impression percentage
Top impression percentage
Unique users
Units sold
value per all conversions
value per all conversions by conversion date
value per conversion
value per conversions by conversion date
value per current model attributed conversion
Value per interaction conversion
Video quartile p100 rate
Video quartile p25 rate
Video quartile p50 rate
Video quartile p75 rate
Video view rate
Video views
View through conversions
[optional] dimensions

A field or segment of your report. For example, the bidding strategy.

Selected options:
Ad network type
Advertising channel sub type
Advertising channel type
Auction insight domain
Bidding strategy
Bidding strategy type
Campaign budget
Campaign group
Campaign ID
Campaign name
Campaign optimization score
Campaign status
Click type
Conversion (Action)
Conversion (Action Category)
Conversion (Action Name)
Conversion adjustment
Conversion - lag bucket
Conversion or Adjustment lag bucket
Day of the Week
End Date
External conversion (Source)
Location goal for target IS
Max CPC bid limit for target IS
Month of Year
New vs Returning customers
Start Date
Target CPA
Target impression share
Target ROAS


GET_KEYWORD_METRICS_GOOGLE_ADS("ACME Account", "Video", [2023-10-01;2024-01-10], '["metrics.impressions","metrics.clicks"]', '["", "campaign.status"]') returns keywords report from 2023-10-01 to 2024-01-10