Get metrics such as clicks, CPC, CTR, and CPM about your Ad campaigns by date.

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Parameter List


Name or ID of your Facebook Ads account. For example: "Personal Ads account".

[optional] campaign_name

Name or ID of your compaign. For example: "Website Campaign". Don't configure this field if you wish to retrieve metrics from all campaigns of your account.

[optional] metrics

Range of metrics to retrieve about the ad account. For example: '["clicks","country"]'. By default, it returns the most common metrics about the ad account. For a complete list of possible fields, see the Facebook Marketing API documentation.

Selected options:
20s Calls Placed
20-Second Phone Calls
3-Second Video Plays
60s Calls Placed
Account Currency
Account ID
Account Name
Achievements (Mobile)
Achievements (Mobile) (Unique)
Achievements Unlocked
Achievements Unlocked (Unique)
Adds Payment Info (Website)
Adds to Cart
Adds To Cart (Mobile)
Adds To Cart (Mobile) (Unique)
Adds to Cart (Unique)
Adds To Cart (Website)
Adds to Wishlist (Mobile)
Adds to Wishlist (Mobile) (Unique)
Adds To Wishlist (Website)
Age Targeting
App Activations
App Activations (Unique)
App Contacts (Mobile)
App Installs
App Installs (Desktop)
Applications Submitted
Applications Submitted (Mobile)
Applications Submitted (Website)
Appointments Scheduled
Appointments Scheduled (Mobile)
Appointments Scheduled (Website)
App Uses
Auction Bid
Auction Competitiveness
Blocked Messaging Conversations
Buying Type
Calls Placed
Campaign ID
Campaign Name
Canceled Subscriptions
Canceled Subscriptions (Mobile)
Canceled Subscriptions (Website)
Canvas Average View Percent
Canvas Average View Time
Checkouts (Mobile)
Checkouts (Mobile) (Unique)
Checkouts Initiated
Checkouts Initiated (Unique)
Completed Registration (Website)
Contacts (Website)
Content Views
Content Views (Mobile)
Content Views (Mobile) (Unique)
Content Views (Unique)
Conversion Value - Achievements (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Achievements Unlocked
Conversion Value - Adds Payment Info (Website)
Conversion Value - Adds to Cart
Conversion Value - Adds To Cart (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Adds To Cart (Website)
Conversion Value - Adds to Wishlist (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Adds To Wishlist (Website)
Conversion Value - App Activations
Conversion Value - App Contacts (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Applications Submitted
Conversion Value - Applications Submitted (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Applications Submitted (Website)
Conversion Value - Appointments Scheduled
Conversion Value - Appointments Scheduled (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Appointments Scheduled (Website)
Conversion Value - Checkouts (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Checkouts Initiated
Conversion Value - Completed Registration (Website)
Conversion Value - Contacts
Conversion Value - Contacts (Website)
Conversion Value - Content Views
Conversion Value - Content Views (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Credit Spends
Conversion Value - Credit Spends (Desktop)
Conversion Value - Credit Spends (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Donations
Conversion Value - Donations (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Donations (Website)
Conversion Value - Feature Unlocks (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Initiates Checkout (Website)
Conversion Value - Leads
Conversion Value - Leads (Website)
Conversion Value - Levels Achieved
Conversion Value - Levels Achieved
Conversion Value - Location Searches
Conversion Value - Location Searches (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Location Searches (Website)
Conversion Value - Meta Leads
Conversion Value - Meta Purchases
Conversion Value - Meta Workflow Completions (Website)
Conversion Value - Offline Applications Submitted
Conversion Value - Offline App Location Searches
Conversion Value - Offline Appointments Scheduled
Conversion Value - Offline Contacts
Conversion Value - Offline Donations
Conversion Value - Offline Products Customized
Conversion Value - Offline Subscriptions
Conversion Value - Offline Trials Started
Conversion Value - Payment Details (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Products Customized
Conversion Value - Products Customized (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Products Customized (Website)
Conversion Value - Purchases
Conversion Value - Purchases (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Purchases (Website)
Conversion Value - Ratings (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Ratings Submitted
Conversion Value - Registrations (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Registrations Completed
Conversion Value - Search
Conversion Value - Search (Website)
Conversion Value - Searchs (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Starts (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Subscriptions
Conversion Value - Subscriptions (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Subscriptions (Website)
Conversion Value - Trials Started
Conversion Value - Trials Started (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Trials Started (Website)
Conversion Value - Tutorial Completions (Mobile)
Conversion Value - Tutorials Completed
Conversion Value - Views Content (Website)
Cost - 1,000 In-App Ad Impressions
Cost - 3-Second Video Plays
Cost - Achievements Unlocked
Cost - Achievements Unlocked (Unique)
Cost - Adds Payment Info (Website)
Cost - Adds to Cart
Cost - Adds to Cart (Unique)
Cost - Adds To Wishlist (Website)
Cost - All Clicks (Unique)
Cost - App Activations
Cost - App Activations (Unique)
Cost - App Installs
Cost - App Installs (Desktop)
Cost - Applications Submitted
Cost - Appointments Scheduled
Cost - Appointments Scheduled
Cost - App Uses (Desktop)
Cost - Checkouts Initiated
Cost - Checkouts Initiated (Unique)
Cost - Contacts
Cost - Contacts
Cost - Content Views
Cost - Content Views (Unique)
Cost - Credit Spends
Cost - Credit Spends (Mobile) (Unique)
Cost - Credit Spends (Unique)
Cost - Custom Events
Cost - Donations
Cost - Donations
Cost - Event Responses
Cost - Game Plays
Cost - In-App Ad Clicks
Cost - In-App Ad Clicks
Cost - In-App Ad Impressions
Cost - Landing Page Views
Cost - Landing Page Views (Unique)
Cost - Leads
Cost - Levels Achieved
Cost - Levels Achieved (Unique)
Cost - Link Clicks
Cost - Link Clicks (Unique)
Cost - Location Searches
Cost - Location Searches
Cost - Messaging Conversations Started
Cost - Messaging Subscriptions
Cost - Meta Workflow Completions (Website)
Cost - New Messaging Conversations
Cost - Outbound Clicks
Cost - Outbound Clicks (Unique)
Cost - Page Engagement
Cost - Page Likes
Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people)
Cost Per Inline Link Click (Unique)
Cost - Post Engagement
Cost - Products Customized
Cost - Products Customized
Cost - Purchases
Cost - Purchases (Unique)
Cost - Ratings Submitted
Cost - Ratings Submitted (Unique)
Cost - Registrations Completed
Cost - Registrations Completed (Unique)
Cost - Searches
Cost - Searches (Unique)
Cost - Subscriptions
Cost - Trials Started
Cost - Trials Started
Cost - Tutorials Completed
Cost - Tutorials Completed (Unique)
Cost - Video Plays (ThruPlay)
Created Time
Credit Spends
Credit Spends (Desktop)
Credit Spends (Mobile)
Credit Spends (Mobile) (Unique)
Credit Spends (Unique)
CTR (Link Click-Through Rate)
Custom Events
Custom Events (Website)
Donations (Mobile)
Donations (Website)
Estimated ad recall lift (people)
Estimated ad recall lift rate
Estimated Call Confirmation Clicks
Event Responses
Feature Unlocks (Mobile)
Feature Unlocks (Mobile) (Unique)
Full View Impressions
Full View Reach
Game Plays
Gender Targeting
In-App Ad Clicks
In-App Ad Impressions
Initiates Checkout (Website)
Inline Post Engagement
Installs (Mobile)
Instant experience clicks to open
Instant experience clicks to start
Instant experience view percentage
Instant experience view time
Landing Page Views
Landing Page Views (Unique)
Leads (Messenger & Instant Forms)
Leads (Website)
Levels Achieved
Levels Achieved (Unique)
Link Clicks
Link Clicks (Unique)
Location Searches
Location Searches (Mobile)
Location Searches (Website)
Messaging Conversations Started
Messaging Subscriptions
Meta Applications Submitted
Meta Donations
Meta Leads
Meta Purchases
Meta Workflow Completions (Website)
New Messaging Conversations
Offline Applications Submitted
Offline App Location Searches
Offline Appointments Scheduled
Offline Canceled Subscriptions
Offline Contacts
Offline Donations
Offline Products Customized
Offline Recurring Payments
Offline Subscriptions
Offline Trials Started
Optimization Goal
Other Mobile App Actions
Outbound Clicks
Outbound Clicks (Instant Experience)
Outbound CTR
Page Engagement
Page Likes
Page Photo Views
Payment Details (Mobile)
Payment Details (Mobile) (Unique)
Place Page Name
Post Comments
Post Engagement
Post Reactions
Post Saves
Post Shares
Products Customized
Products Customized (Mobile)
Products Customized (Website)
Purchase ROAS
Purchase ROAS (Mobile)
Purchase ROAS (Website)
Purchases (Mobile)
Purchases (Mobile) (Unique)
Purchases (Unique)
Purchases (Website)
Ratings (Mobile)
Ratings (Mobile) (Unique)
Ratings Submitted
Ratings Submitted (Unique)
Recurring Payments
Recurring Payments (Mobile)
Recurring Payments (Website)
Registrations (Mobile)
Registrations (Mobile) (Unique)
Registrations Completed
Registrations Completed (Unique)
Search (Unique)
Search (Website)
Searchs (Mobile)
Searchs (Mobile) (Unique)
Social Spend
Starts (Mobile)
Starts (Mobile) (Unique)
Subscriptions (Mobile)
Subscriptions (Website)
Trials Started
Trials Started (Mobile)
Trials Started (Website)
Tutorial Completions (Mobile)
Tutorial Completions (Mobile) (Unique)
Tutorials Completed
Tutorials Completed (Unique)
Video average play time
Video plays
Video plays at 100%
Video plays at 25%
Video plays at 50%
Video plays at 75%
Video plays at 95%
Video Views (ThruPlay)
Views Content (Website)
Wish Bid
[optional] breakdowns

Range of values to break down the results into different sets. For example: '["device_platform"]'. For a complete list of possible breakdowns, see the Facebook Insights API Breakdowns documentation.

Selected options:
Ad Format Asset
App ID
Body Asset
Call_to_action Asset
Description Asset
Image Asset
Impression Device
Link_url Asset
Product ID
Skan Conversion ID
Title Asset
Video Asset
Frequency Value
Hourly Stats Aggregated by advertiser time zone
Hourly Stats Aggregated by audience time zone
Place Page ID
Publisher Platform
Platform Position
Device Platform
[optional] date_range

Date range to get insights for. For example: ">2019", ">2019-11-01" or "[2010-01-01;2019-01-01]". By default, you get insights for the current month.

[optional] aggregation_period

Groups account insights by time period. By default, it will group the account stats for the whole period. 1 breaks down that data by day,7 by week and monthly by calendar month.

Selected options:
More details

Access this page to check how you can find the account name or account ID.


GET_CAMPAIGN_METRICS_FACEBOOK_ADS("adidas") returns insights about all campaigns from the `adidas` ad account.