Get metrics such as impressions or reach about your accounts and aggregate results by day, week or month.

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Parameter List


The Instagram username of your business or creator account. For example: "adidas".

[optional] account_metrics

Metrics to retrieve about the account, separated by commas. By default it will return the number of followers, impressions, profile views, reach, and website clicks.

followercount, online_followers, and all audience* metrics are not available for accounts with fewer than 100 followers.

For a complete list of possible metrics, see the Instagram Insights API documentation.

Selected options:
Accounts engaged (Total Values)
Comments (Media Product Type)
Comments (Total Values)
Engaged audience (Demographics)
Follower (Demographics)
Follows and unfollows (Follow Type)
Follows and unfollows (Total Values)
Impressions (Time Series)
Impressions (Total Values)
Likes (Media Product Type)
Likes (Total Values)
Profile links taps (Contact Button Type)
Profile links taps (Total Values)
Reach (Follow Type)
Reach (Media Product Type)
Reach (Time Series)
Reach (Total Values)
Reached audience (Demographics)
Replies (Total Values)
Saves (Media Product Type)
Saves (Total Values)
Shares (Media Product Type)
Shares (Total Values)
Total interactions (Media Product Type)
Total interactions (Total Values)
Views (Follow Type)
Views (Media Product Type)
Views (Total Values)
[optional] aggregation_period

The period aggregation or timeframe of the report. For example: "day" or "week". Breakdowns and metrics restrict the type of aggregations or timeframe you can use.

For a complete list of possible aggregations, read this document or this one for a list of timeframes.

Selected options:
Day (Time Series)
Days 28 (Time Series)
Last 14 days (Demographics)
Last 30 days (Demographics)
Last 90 days (Demographics)
Lifetime (Time Series)
Previous month (Total Value)
This month (Demographics)
This week (Demographics)
Week (Time Series)
[optional] date_range

The date range to get insights for. It can be a period of up to 30 days. For example: ">2020-11-01" or "[2019-01-01;2019-01-20]". By default, it gets the last two days.

This value is ignored when using a timeframe such as last_14_days or this_month.

[optional] breakdowns

Breakdowns separated by commas to segment your results into specific subsets. For example, country or media_product_type. For a complete list of breakdowns, see the Metrics and Insights Instagram API documentation

Selected options:
Age (Demographics)
City (Demographics)
Contact Button (Interaction)
Country (Demographics)
Follow Type (Interaction)
Gender (Demographic)
Media Product (Interaction)
Time Series
Total Values


GET_ACCOUNT_METRICS_INSTAGRAM("adidas") returns the list of metrics available for the "adidas" account for the last 2 days.

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