Find articles based on keywords, language, source, and date of publishing.

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Parameter List


Keywords or combinations of keywords to search for in the article title and content. For example: "Tesla" or "Elon Musk, Tesla, announcement".

[optional] date

A date or date range to filter the results by. For example: ">2019-06-01" or "[2019-06-27;2019-06-29]".

[optional] language

The language of the news articles, given as a two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. For example: "en" or "en,fr". For a list of supported languages, see News API's documentation.

[optional] domains

Domains to filter the search by. For example: "", ",".

[optional] excludedomains

Domains to exclude from the search. For example: "" or ",".

[optional] sort

Sorting order of the articles. Choose either:

  • "relevancy" to get articles more related to your keywords first

  • "popularity" to get articles from pupular publishers first

  • "publishedAt" to get newer articles first

Selected options:


ARTICLES_NEWS_API("nestle") returns List of news that have Nestle as a keyword.

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