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Published at Sun Jul 14 2024 in
Rows HQ

2024 week 30 - Errors be gone

Humberto Ayres Pereira
Humberto Ayres Pereira, CEO and Co-Founder, Rows
blog illustration - sweat details/ fix

We want to be a 10x experience. So we completely re-wired our interface to let you handle errors at any step of the way. 1. if a cell has an error, we will send you to the solution immediately. 2. if you want to re-execute cells with errors, you can re-run just that cell or all cells with errors, from the cell tooltip or from the table header. This is especially important as we add more AI skills to tables and cells; Connecting services such as Marketing data can have result in a few errors as APIs occasionally have brain farts. But now you can make them go away. -> see the future of error handling in this 1min video


Every week I post about one thing that happened at Rows. We're building in public!

See you next week!
