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Published at Sun Jun 30 2024 in
Rows HQ

2024 W27 - 4 layout options generated with AI

Humberto Ayres Pereira
Humberto Ayres Pereira, CEO and Co-Founder, Rows
Blog - AI automatic and automagical

Every week I post about one thing that happened at Rows. We're building in public!


We are taking the "summer quarter" to improve our grid system, that is, the canvas where you place Tables and Charts.

While the team is busy creating demos of Proofs-of-concept (POCs), each person in the team is creating their own vision. We're even using AI to generate some of the options. Here's a video of a few different versions of Layouts for spreadsheets! (Yes, it' amazing what you can do with AI nowadays).

  • Report: analysis like today’s Rows dashboard, with text, Charts, small Tables, large tables.

  • Dashboard: just metrics, side by side.

  • Lists (public or not): sharing elements, project management, collaborative editing.

  • Spreadsheet model. Good old models with variables etc.

  • Spreadsheet with Form. Using a form to build a calculator or simulator, or lettings users experiment with variables.

  • Article. Publishing an article worth of being included in the next Economist.


See you next week!
