OpenAI automation showcase

Ask OpenAI to perform a wide range of text operations, such as: text summarization, extraction, classification, sentiment analysis, rewriting and content generation.

OpenAI text extractor

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to extract portions or concepts from data, such as features, locations, insights, or codes.

OpenAI text classifier

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to classify or tag text into user-defined categories.

OpenAI task executor

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to execute specific tasks on data, such as removing or replacing chars, detecting patterns, or converting formats.

OpenAI fact finder

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to find any fact about a given subject.

OpenAI product description generator

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to generate product description from a set of features.

OpenAI summarizer

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to summarize a text using specific tones of voice, such as casual, witty or professional.

OpenAI product title generator

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to generate product titles based on a description.

OpenAI Ad content generator

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to generate Ad content for your product, such as headlines, sub-headlines and body copies.

OpenAI meta description generator

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to generate meta descriptions for your pages.

Project to-do list

Keep track of everything you need to get done.

OpenAI rewriter

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to rewrite a text following user-defined instructions.

Suppliers contract tracker

Track your contracts and send email reminders before renewal.

Place enriching tool using Google Maps

Find contact information, ratings, reviews, and more

Applicant tracker

Track the inbound applicants for your job openings.

Rows API tester

Test all the endpoints available with Rows API and simulate requests to retrieve and push data to your Rows account.

SMS tool with Twilio

Run bulk SMS campaigns with Twilio

Google Maps Address Geocoding

Find the geocodes (latitude and longitude) of any address or location. And viceversa.

SMS tool with Infobip

Run bulk SMS campaigns with Infobip