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Enrich companies and people with data

icon of FullContact
Enrich emails with FullContact Editor

Get the most out of FullContact!

Connecting FullContact with Rows gives you the power to enrich people and company with data, all in a spreadsheet.

Use cases

Things you can do when using FullContact with Rows include:

  • Enrich people with data by email address, social profile, or phone number.
  • Enrich companies with data by company domain.
  • Verify email addresses.


About FullContact

FullContact is a technology company that provides a suite of cloud-based software products for businesses, developers, and brands. Their main focus is privacy-safe Identity Resolution and real-time API integration. Their suite of offerings includes products like Enrich, which utilizes technology to augment customer data.


Get details about a company, given their domain.


Get details for a person using either their email address, Twitter handle, or phone number.


Verify the deliverability of an email address.


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