Who are your subprocessors?

What subprocessors we use and why.

What's a subprocessor?

A subprocessor is any supplier we use to process the data in your spreadsheets or your account data. We only select a supplier after assessing their security practices and their GDPR compliance. We have signed Data Processing Addendums with all of them.

Who do you use?

Here is the list of our subprocessors:

AdyenBilling software servicesNetherlands
ChargebeeSubscription billing servicesUSA
Customer.ioCRM emails servicesUSA
GoogleHosting-, Email-, Analytics servicesUSA
GitHubDeveloper software servicesUSA
HelpscoutCustomer support servicesUSA
SegmentDatabase for CRM emails and triggersUSA
SendgridEmail servicesUSA
SlackCommunication software servicesUSA
SparkpostEmail and analytics servicesUnited Kingdom
StripeBilling software servicesUSA

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