Is Rows GDPR compliant?

In short: Yes 🙂

What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in effect since May 2018, is the major data protection regulation in the European Union. It is important because it affects any company owning or processing personal data of people in the European Union and gives these people certain rights with respect to their personal data. For more details, see the European Commission’s Data Protection website.

How do you ensure GDPR compliance?

Rows is subject to German data protection authorities, which are among the strictest data protection regulators in the world.

We also hired an external advisor on GDPR compliance as our Data Protection Officer, who you can reach by email at We are audited every year with respect to our GDPR compliance.

All our employees receive privacy training when they join and are required to get recertified every two years.

You can check how you can make use of your rights in our Privacy Policy.

Can I get a Data Processing Addendum?

Of course! If you are using Rows as a Processor of personal data, we want to support you in being GDPR compliant. You can simply download and execute our signed Data Processing Agreement. If you do so, please send us a counter-signed copy to


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