How do you track data in my spreadsheets?

We keep tracking to the minimum and are transparent about how we use it.

Minimal and transparent

We are committed to tracking your data only to the bare minimum as well as being as transparent as possible about what we do.

No Rows employee will ever access the data in your spreadsheets, unless you explicitly agree to it, for example, in a conversation with customer service. Even then, our employees cannot log into your account remotely. It is possible that we technically access your data in specific cases, for example, if we migrate it to a new database to improve the performance of our platform. However, no employee will ever see this data.

What we track

To improve the product and user experience, we track:

Feature usage

  • What functions you use, how often, and how they are linked between each other
  • When a spreadsheet is created or deleted
  • What integrations you connect
  • What templates you install

Account and workspace actions

  • How often you log in and log out
  • How many members you invite or remove
  • What subscription tiers you use

We analyze this data on an aggregate level. We do not look at data for specific accounts or Workspaces.

What we don't track

We will never track:

  • The content or values inside each cell.
  • The pageviews inside an account, for example, how often you visit the dashboard, settings section, and so on.

Your data is yours

The data you enter, import, or process in your spreadsheets remains 100% yours. We don’t, and never will, claim any ownership to it.


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