Sum a range based on criteria.

Parameter List


The range of values to add to the sum. For example: A1:A5.


The range of conditional values to check against criterion1. Must be of the same size as sum_range. For example: B1:B5.


The condition to apply to criteria_range1. For example: ">20".

[optional] criteria_range2

An additional range of conditional values to check against criterion2.

More details

In sum_range, you can only sum numbers greater than 0 or Booleans (True equates to 1, False equates to 0).

You can use:

  • "" to sum all the elements where criteria_range has no value.

  • "<>" to sum all elements where criteria_range is not empty.

  • "<>number" or "<>text" to sum all the elements that are not equal to that number or text in criteria_range.

  • Operators such as ">" or ">=" to sum all the elements where this equates to true.


SUMIFS(A1:A5, B1:B5, ">20") returns 5

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