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Find and verify email addresses

icon of Hunter
Find email addresses with Hunter Editor
Find emails by company Editor

Get the most out of Hunter!

Connecting Hunter with Rows gives you the power to find and verify professional email addresses, all in a spreadsheet.

Use cases

Things you can do when using Hunter with Rows include:

  • Find email addresses using names and company domains.
  • Find people and email addresses by company domain.
  • Verify email addresses.


About Hunter

Hunter lists all the email addresses of a company publicly available on the web and enables its users to find the email address of anyone from the first name, last name, and company website. It also provides its users with information on validity and deliverability of any email address.


Get the number of email addresses associated with a domain.


Get the email address of a person as well as the delivery confidence score.


Provide a company name to get its domain or provide a company domain to retrieve emails of a specific department, such as "sales" or "marketing".


Get the delivery confidence score for an email address.


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