icon of Gmail


Send emails and search in your Gmail account.

icon of Gmail
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Get the most out of Gmail!

Connecting Gmail with Rows gives you the power to automate your email and alerting process, all in a spreadsheet.

Use cases

Things you can do when using Gmail with Rows include:

  • Send customized emails and email campaigns from your email address.
  • Retrieve emails from your Gmail account.


About Gmail

Gmail is a free email service developed by Google. It allows its users to send and recieve emails along with attachments and media. By 2018, Gmail had 1.5 billion active users worldwide.


Get the content of an email from Gmail by using an ID. List first the emails to find the ID.


Search for emails in your Gmail account by using queries.


Send an email using your Gmail account. You can use HTML formatting in the content of your email.

Gmail content to help you get started!

Other resources


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