Different Charts in Rows

A list of the chart types that we currently support.

Right now, we offer a core set of charts that cover most business-oriented use cases such as marketing performance or sales reports.

When creating a report in Rows, you can insert the following chart types:

Line chart

Use a line chart when you want to find trends in data over time. For example, get trends in sales or profit margins each month, quarter, or year.

Line chart

Column chart

Use a column chart when you want to compare categories of data or show changes over time. For example, compare revenue and expenses each month.

Column chart

You can also change the Stacking settings to create different types of Stacked Column charts. Stacking helps to show the proportions of data that contribute to an overall metric.

You can choose between normal stacking and 100% stacking. Here’s what they look like:

Stacked 100% Stacked
Stacked column chart100% Stacked column chart
Use a stacked column chart to show part-to-whole relationships and find trends in data over time. Use a 100% stacked column chart to show part-to-whole relationships and find trends in data over time, when the cumulative total isn’t important.

Bar chart

Use a bar chart when you want to compare individual items. For example, compare ticket sales by location, or show a breakdown of employees by job title

Bar chart

Bar charts also have Stacking settings that allow you to create Stacked Bar charts. Stacking helps to show the proportions of data that contribute to an overall metric.

As before, you can choose between normal stacking and 100% stacking. Here’s what they look like:

Stacked 100% Stacked
Stacked bar chart100% Stacked bar chart
Use a stacked bar chart to show part-to-whole relationships and find trends in data over time. For example, show how 4 office locations contributed to total sales. Use a 100% stacked bar chart when you want to show the relationship between individual items and the whole in a single bar, and the cumulative total isn’t important.

Combo chart

Use a combo chart to show some kind of relationship or trend between multiple data types.


Scatter plot chart

Use a scatter plot chart when your trying to determine whether the two variables are related —

scatter plot

Pie chart

Use a pie chart when you want to get a breakdown of different dimensions from your dataset —

pie chart


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