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Get realtime and historical stock, currency, financial data

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Connecting Alpha Vantage with Rows gives you the power to track realtime and historical stock, FX, and cryptocurrency data using the Alpha Vantage Stock Market API, all in a spreadsheet.

Use cases

Things you can do when using Alpha Vantage with Rows include:

  • Retrieve realtime stock data.
  • Retrieve realtime exchange rates for any pair of digital currency (e.g. Bitcoin) and physical currency (e.g. USD).
  • Returns lists of equities and market data by company name, symbol, or keyword.
  • Retrieve realtime and historical daily, weekly, monthly and intraday stock data.
  • Retrieve realtime bid and ask prices for physical currency (Forex) pairs.
  • Retrieve realtime and historical sector performances calculated from S&P500 incumbents.


About Alpha Vantage

Alpha Vantage provides stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, forex, and cryptocurrency data feeds that conform to stock API standards and best practices. Its APIs are grouped into four categories; Stock Time Series Data, Physical and Digital/Crypto Currencies, Technical Indicators, and Sector Performances. All APIs are realtime and the latest data points are derived from the current trading day.


Returns daily time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of a cryptocurrency.


Gets intraday time series (timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume) of the cryptocurrency specified, updated realtime.


Returns monthly time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of a cryptocurrency.


Returns weekly time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of a cryptocurrency.


Get the real-time rates for an FX or Cryptocurrency pair.


Get the daily time series of an FX pair (timestamp, open, high, low, close).


Get the intraday time series for an FX pair (timestamp, open, high, low, close).


Get the monthly time series of an FX pair (timestamp, open, high, low, close).


Get the weekly time series of an FX pair (timestamp, open, high, low, close).


Get annual and quarterly balance sheets of a company for the last 5 years. This data is generally refreshed on the same day a company reports its latest earnings and financials.


Get annual and quarterly cash flows of a company for the last 5 years.


Get company information, financial ratios, and other key metrics for the equity specified. This data is generally refreshed on the same day a company reports its latest earnings and financials.


Get annual and quarterly income statements of a company for the last 5 years. This data is generally refreshed on the same day a company reports its latest earnings and financials.


Get the latest global quote for an equity.


Get the daily adjusted time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.


Get the daily time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.


Get the intraday time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.


Get the monthly adjusted time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.


Get the monthly time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.


Search for equity data using a company name or symbol.


Get the weekly adjusted time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.


Get the weekly time series (open, high, low, close, volume) of an equity.

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