Google Analytics 4 Engagement Rate Report

Chart and compare which pages had the highest number of site visitors who stayed for 10+ seconds or triggered a conversion event.

Google Analytics 4 Landing Page Report

Find your website’s top landing pages, see which sites referred the most traffic, and analyze which pages and sources received the most pageviews, had the lowest bounce rate, or saw the most engaged audience.

Google Analytics 4 User Report

Learn more about your website visitors with Google Analytics data on traffic source, medium, age range, gender, language, region, interests, and more.

Google Search Console Performance Report

Deep dive into your website Google Search Console performance metrics. Find top-performing and least effective pages, average position over time, device, country and search appearance breakdown of your search traffic.

Google Ads PPC Report

Find your website’s Google Ads and Google Analytics paid search analytics with your total ad spend, average CPC, top ads and search keywords, and a comparison of your average site users versus those that came in from ads.

Google Analytics 4 SEO Keywords Report

Find the keywords that bring the most people to your website, see what people search about on your site, and hone in on organic search terms that individual pages on your site rank for on Google.

Google Search Console Blog Traffic Report

Investigate your blog traffic by looking into top performing pages and keywords, average position over time and tracking other blog metrics relevant to your SEO strategy.

Google Search Console Keyword Cannibalization Checker

Check if your site suffers from keyword cannibalization issues, with pages that serve the same purposes and rank for identical target keyword(s) with same search intent.

LinkedIn posts report

Retrieve the metrics of your LinkedIn posts

OpenAI task executor

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to execute specific tasks on data, such as removing or replacing chars, detecting patterns, or converting formats.

OpenAI text classifier

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to classify or tag text into user-defined categories.

OpenAI fact finder

Use OpenAI ChatGPT to find any fact about a given subject.

Facebook posts report

Retrieve the metrics of your Facebook posts

Google PageSpeed comparative audit

Get a comparative audit of different websites' PageSpeed performance

Google PageSpeed detailed audit

Run a detailed PageSpeed audit of any website.

Blog analytics report

Get insights about your blog from Google Analytics 4.

Google My Business reviews tracker

Retrieve the Google reviews of your business

Facebook follower growth tracker

Monitor the performance over time of any Facebook page.,